East Springs Animal Hospital
Advanced Diagnostics
Having state-of-the-art equipment can influence the accuracy of the diagnosis, and provide important screening tests for early disease detection.
Digital radiography, ultrasound, and minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopy and rhinoscopy are invaluable to diagnosis certain disease.
Advancements in radiology equipment have greatly improved the detail in x-rays and have made it easier and safer to perform for our patients and technicians. At East Springs Animal HospitaI, digital /x-rays are used for orthopedics (fractures, TPLO's, screening OFA and Penn Hip studies), chest x-rays (evaluation for heart disease, lung disease, and cancer), abdominal x-rays (intestinal distention, foreign bodies, urinary disease, and cancer), and in dentistry (identifies periodontal disease, fractures, and abscessed teeth).
The ultrasound is another non-invasive procedure that can give more information about the health of your pet. We use ultrasound to diagnose heart problems, urinary stones, intestinal disease, and tumors. If a condition is found, the ultrasound can also be used to guide a small needle for a biopsy to further categorize tumors or other problems with minimal discomfort for the pet. Ultrasound is also commonly used as a non-invasive screening test for senior pets or pets requiring anesthesia.
Minimally invasive procedures can treat illness or provide important diagnostic information for treatments. At East Springs Animal Hospital we have capabilities to preform laparoscopy, rhinoscopy, cystotomy, thorcoscopy, and endoscopy. A wide range of procedures are available to minimize the discomfort of a procedure but still gain the important information needed to treat your pet correctly.
At East Springs Animal Hospital we have made a conscious effort to have available advanced diagnostics to provide the best care for your pet.